Marya Demetra Kanakis
selected projects / archive / info
architecture / ecology / media / teaching / all
2023. Chicago Architecture Biennial Reading Room: BOOKSCAPES //// exhibition, programming [chicago]
2023. Towards Biohybrid Design: Future Hospitals, Landscapes of Care, + Community Health //// teaching [chicago]
2023. Grafted Natures: The Ecology of a Blurred Species //// publication [various]
2023. The Book in the Age of... //// publication, exhibition [cambridge]
2023. OffCUT(s) //// teaching [virtual]
2023. Radcliffe Institute: Botanical Geographies //// exhibition [various]
2022. Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusae: A Living Herbarium of Wheat //// video [cambridge, athens]
2022. Disenchanted City: Chicago + Milan //// teaching [cambridge]
2022. The Ecological Footprint of 75 Years of Italian Cinema //// essay [various]
2022. Fashioning a Well Tempered Environment //// essay [venice]
2022. Machine Poeisis //// exhibition [cambridge]
2022. Technological Progress in the Age of Uncertainty: Global Environmental Moratoria //// essay [various]
2022. Archigram 10: A Uniform + Botanical Guide for the Citizen of the Future //// book [various]
2022. ESG Analysis + Report for 135 LaSalle //// architecture [chicago]
2022. The Artificial Image of the City //// video [los angeles]
2021. Contaminated Ecologies: From Radioactivity to the Salvation of Sunflowers //// publication, urbanism [various]
2021. TikTok Urbanism: Recursive Digital Landscape Formation //// essay [various]
2021. Deepfakes + War: Spatial Effects of Aspatial Media //// essay [various]
2021. Strelka KB: Mass Housing + Climate Change //// workshop [berlin]
2020. IIT Master of Science Program Concept //// teaching [chicago]
2020. YEEZY Architecture + Construction //// architecture [cody, atlanta, chicago, dominican republic]
2020. Future Tempos: Conversations on Architecture Across Time + Media (ACTAR Press) //// book [virtual]
2019. Architectures of the Invisible: Primitives of a Systemic Art //// teaching [chicago]
2019. Mechanical Oblique: Choreographies of Humans + Machines //// urbanism [barcelona]
2019. Towards a New Geology: a Pavilion for the Post-Anthropocene //// architecture [rijeka]